The 9 AM Club
Pagi ini, alarm saya mengecewakan. Sunyi senyap. Padahal saya sudah berjanji pada diri sendiri untuk bangun jam 5 pagi. Maklum, resolusi 2024 masih segar di bulan Februari. Saya ingin menjadi bagian dari 5 AM Club. Pernah dengar?
Dalam cover bukunya yang bertajuk The 5 AM Club, Robin Sharma menuliskan tagline Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Live. Siapa saja anggota klub elit ini? Tak tanggung Oprah, Deepak Chopra, Tony Robbins, and Bill Gates menjadi anggotanya. Ini adalah orang-orang hebat yang memutuskan untuk bangun di pagi hari, tepatnya jam 5 pagi.
Kenapa? Karena di pagi hari biasanya bebas distraksi dan gangguan.
Ngapain? Apa saja. Menulis, baca berita, meditasi atau hal produktif lainnya. Kalau Robin Sharma punya formula 20/20/20s – 20 menit olahraga secara intens, 20 menit melakukan refleksi dan 20 menit mempelajari keahlian baru. Tapi ini bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan kita masing-masing.
Kembali ke resolusi, saya masih kesal dengan jam alarm ini. Jam sudah menunjukan pukul 9 pagi. Judulnya kesiangan. Eh tiba-tiba, saat saya membuka aplikasi WA, dapat kiriman tulisan dari mentor saya. Beliau memang suka tiba-tiba mengirimkan hal baru yang ia tulis, karena tau saya memang penggemarnya.
Setelah membaca, sekarang saya yakin dua hal. Pertama, saya yakin kalau beliau adalah anggota 5 AM Club, karena punya waktu untuk merangkai tulisan semanis ini di pagi hari. Kedua, saya punya hormat baru sama anggota 9 AM Club, alias para fund manager atau pemain pasar modal yang punya passion tinggi akan pekerjaannya.
Yuk, baca biar sama-sama ngefans.
9 AM Club
In the heart of Jakarta, amidst the bustling roads of the capital city, I find myself attuned to the rhythmic ticking of the clock.
Beside me, the digital clock reads “9:00 AM”; a time I am intimately familiar with. For others, 9 AM may signify the start of a mundane workday or the beginning of a leisurely day off. Yet, for me, it signifies the opening of the stock market, a realm brimming with endless possibilities. As sunlight bathes my office in a warm glow, my anticipation escalates to its peak. My mind races with strategies for the day ahead, ready for action.
The sound reverberates across the room, marking the beginning of another day of work. Clasping a cup of steaming coffee, I flicker through the myriad of numbers, charts, and graphs displayed across my dual monitors. To the untrained, it might appear as mere chaos. However, for me, it was more. My eyes dash across the monitor, witnessing the little lines on each graph rise and fall by varying margins. The opening sound of the market sends a thrill through me, and makes my heart beat faster in excitement, apprehensiveness, and fear.
It’s now 9:30 AM. A wave of nostalgia washes over me. I get reminded of how I was at this exact hour a decade or so ago. Was I more impatient back then? Less wise? These thoughts swirl as I manoeuvre my mouse around its pad. The 9 AM marker also serves as a moment for reflection, the fresh start I yearn for every morning. It’s an opportunity to learn from yesterday’s decisions adapting to the ever-evolving market dynamics. I aim to greet the market like a friend, not an enemy, discovering new opportunities to tackle the day’s challenges.
Thus, every morning at 9 AM, I stand at the epicentre of the bustling city, ready to dive into another playdate with the stock market. My favourite time was not just a routine; it was a ritual, a celebration of the highs and lows and risks and rewards in my life and stocks.
The first hour is over. Six more remain.
9 AM Club oleh Wuddy Warsono.
ditambahkan oleh Oriana Titisari.